Manufacturing and Theory of Constraints Expert Dr. Lisa Lang Featured in USA Today and Other Major Media Outlets

Dr. Lisa Lang, of the Science of Business, was recently featured in USA Today as well as major online media outlets, including Yahoo! Finance, Morningstar, CNBC, MarketWatch and many others.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Green Valley, AZ – January 9 – “Dr. Lisa” Lang, President of the Science of Business, was recently featured in the USA Today with other leading experts from across the world as a “Trendsetter In The New Economy.” A feature story about Dr. Lisa was also seen on the online homes of major publications such as Yahoo! Finance, CNBC, The Boston Globe, The Miami Herald, Morningstar, Los Angeles Daily News, MarketWatch, and New York Daily News, among many others.

From the USA Today feature:

“Dr. Lisa has been trendsetting the way with Velocity Scheduling System by helping custom manufacturers to complete more work, in less time, with the same people and resources. This has increased the domestic and global competitiveness of these highly custom job shops. What’s even more trail blazing is that Dr. Lisa’s Velocity Scheduling System program is inexpensive and a perfect fit for the highly custom job shops and machine shops that struggle with poor due date performance, long lead- times and a constantly changing mix of work.”

Dr. Lisa is the President of the Science of Business and worked with Dr. Goldratt who is the father of Theory of Constraints and author of The Goal. Science of Business specializes in increasing profits of highly custom manufacturers and job shops by applying Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma to job shop scheduling with Velocity Scheduling System and to engineering with Project Velocity System and to marketing with Mafia Offers.

Dr. Lisa is also a best-selling co-author of the business book, Trendsetters, which features her chapter on Velocity Manufacturing which covers job shop scheduling and machine shop scheduling. This is her second best-seller in as many years. In 2010 Mafia Offers: Dealing with a Market Constraint which appears in the Theory of Constraints Handbook also became a best seller.

To read the full feature story on Dr Lisa, as seen on CNBC, Morningstar, CBS MoneyWatch, The Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News and others, please visit 

Learn more about Dr. Lisa at


Lindsay Dicks
Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency

Dr Lisa Lang, Dr Lisa, Velocity Manufacturing, custom manufacturing, Theory of Constraints, Velocity Scheduling System, job shop scheduling, machine shop scheduling, Goldratt

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