Back in 2007 I published the 9 Challenges to Scheduling Your Job Shop and Why Your Schedule is Dead on Arrival. That ebook captured some of the biggest problems job shops can face and to scheduling machine shop work, but as you know there are many many more. So now, I’ve documented a much longer list in in this previous post and now in the infographic below.

Job Shop Scheduling Problem

This infographic captures 16 problems, and yes there are probably more, but I ran out of room!  Please check it out and let me know what’s missing.  What problems and issues do YOU deal with that are not captured? (please comment below)

Job shops and machine shops have a very unique environment.  I compare them to an emergency room — they never know what will show up, but you can be sure that they want it yesterday.

Job shop scheduling problems are varied and complex.

All of these problems make it very difficult to schedule job shops and machine shops.  And, even worse we spend way to much time scheduling, re-scheduling and re-scheduling.  It’s clear that your job shop scheduling methods need to change!

Traditional solutions for machine shop scheduling, as you probably already know, don’t work.  Job shop scheduling software, job shop scheduling algorithms, or massive Excel scheduling sheets — just don’t work.  To learn what does work, check out our job shop scheduling webinar.

What did I miss?  Please comment below.  Did I capture your job shop scheduling problem?

Job Shop Scheduling Problem Infographic:

Click to enlarge:Job Shop Scheduling Problem

By Dr Lisa Lang

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