85% of the 2014 Industry Week best plant finalists and winners used Theory of Constraints over the past 5 years.  That’s not surprising to me as Theory of Constraints is more effective than Lean Manufacturing at increasing productivity in job shops.

Industry Week: Do You Use Theory of Constraints? survey results

Industry Week’s Best Plants awards were established in 1990.  Their stated purpose:

  • To recognize plants that are on the leading edge of efforts to increase competitiveness, enhance customer satisfaction, and create stimulating and rewarding work environments.
  • To encourage other manufacturing managers and work teams to emulate the honorees by adopting world-class practices, technologies, and improvement strategies.

It’s really no surprise the some of the best manufacturing plants in the US are using Theory of Constraints Goldratt.

Drum Buffer Rope

After all, Velocity Scheduling System is based on the Theory of Constraints Drum Buffer Rope but customized for highly custom job shops and machine shops where the constraint can move week to week or even day to day due to their high mix low volume nature.

Here’s another graph that shows typical results from Theory of Constraints (TOC) which was, of course, developed by Eli Goldratt.

Theory of Constraints Diagram

Theory of Constraints

The above Theory of Constraints summary shows just some of the results that are possible.

And here are just some of the results Velocity Scheduling System clients have had:

To name a few 🙂

Here are even more Velocity Scheduling System Testimonials and Case Studies..

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