Back After a Positive COVID-19 Test

Tanya DiSalvo of Criterion Tool, a precision machine shop, talks about her brush with the coronavirus on the Speaking of Precision Podcast with PMPA’s Miles Free.

Criterion is an Ohio based precision machine shop in the no failure industries of Medical Device, Aerospace, Defense and Photonics.  They do 3, 4 and 5 axis precision machining of parts that are about the size of eye glass screws to the size of a basketball.

Tanya discusses how their machine shop scheduling system helped them survive the recession and prepared them for the pandemic and how they dealt with a positive COVID-19 test and being an essential business so they could keep delivering for their customers while keeping employees safe.

You’ll want to listen to this entire, enlightening conversation whether you think you’re prepared for a COVID outbreak in your shop or not!

What is your shop doing to prepare?  Please leave a comment below.


1:00 Background on Criterion Tool and Tanya DiSalvo

3:54 One customer representing 70% of business

4:40 They do turning along with 3, 4 and 5 axis precision milling of parts that are about the size of eye glass screws to the size of a basket ball.

5:30 2008-2009 recession and hockey stick shipments and lots of overtime

6:05 Started Velocity Scheduling System in 2010

7:05 Tanya’s takeaway from the recession and what was the most important change they made

8:14 Still using this today

8:45 The Goal book – great book, but what do I do tomorrow to make it better?

9:20 The clear execution plan and how to

10:05 The results

10:25 A much better system in place – the systems are important!

12:03 After a positive COVID-19 test ….

13:30 What’s the plan?

15:39 The 20 point plan and 5S

18:50 The genius move

21:20 It’s about family

22:00 What Tanya did to keep everyone calm

22:30 It was scary

23:31 PPP loan and the “Rona”

24: 55 Making the right decision and sleeping well

25:27 A change in leadership styles

28:00 shut down or work?

32:49 mixed information

33:10 infection spreads

33:45 if you can’t breathe go to the hospital

37:07 staying in the know

40:30 everybody made decisions

41:08 don’t shoot the messenger

42:30 course correct as needed

44:22 the imposter syndrome and getting comfortable with risk

45:13 Leadership development

46:00 from producing parts to no failure – their best was good enough!

This podcast covers:

  • Before Covid-19
  • During Covid-19
  • Post Covid-19

Listen to the original podcast here – PMPA’s Speaking of Precision, interview by Miles Free

Mentioned in the podcast:

Velocity Scheduling System Coaching Program

Dr Lisa Lang

Simple In/Out App —

Read more about Criterion Tool and their VSS implementation — see their Case Study.

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